John 4:1-30 "The Living Water"

John has just told us that "whoever believes in the Son has eternal life."

And he really means "whoever"!

Even a Samaritan prostitute.

Some of you have probably wondered whether God really loves you.

Some of you have probably doubted that God would really forgive you for your sins.

If so, listen to this!

First, I'd like you to see how chapters 3-4 fit together.

1. Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be born again--the Son of Man from heaven

(born of water and Spirit):

"whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life" (Jn 3:16)

2. John tells his disciples that they must follow Jesus--he who comes from heaven

(Jesus baptizes his disciples--they baptize others):

"He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him." (John 3:36) (Jesus gives the Spirit without measure, v34)

3. Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that she must ask for living water

(drawing water from the well):

"but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." (John 4:13-14) (and notice the Spirit again in v23)

Okay, let's get a picture of what is going on.

After cleansing the temple in Jerusalem,

Jesus talks with Nicodemus,

and then takes his disciples out to the Jordan river and baptizes them.

Meanwhile, John is baptizing up north,

and some of his disciples get in a dispute with the Jews--

the Pharisees--about purification.

They expect that John will be upset that Jesus is "stealing" his disciples!

But John isn't troubled at all!

he says: (v27-31)

John understands his role.

He is the best man--but he is not the bridegroom.


John calls both his own disciples and the Pharisees to believe in Jesus.

But the Pharisees do not believe--and the wrath of God abides on them;

but Jesus knew that this was not the time to provoke them to action,

so he returns to Galilee.

And on the way he passes through Samaria and meets a woman at Jacob's well.

I'd like you to notice the contrast between Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman.

He is a Jewish man

She is a Samaritan woman

He is a virtuous Pharisee

She is little better than a prostitute

He is the cream of the crop

She is the scum of the earth

Nicodemus fears that being seen with Jesus might compromise his standing.

His standing needs to be protected!

The Samaritan woman is shocked that Jesus would ask for a drink!

She has no standing to protect!

"Jews use nothing in common with Samaritans" (v9)

Jesus might pollute himself and become unclean if he drinks from her pitcher.

(remember the dispute between the Pharisees and John's disciples

about purification in ch 3?

Jesus is demolishing the whole question by welcoming Samaritans

into the true worship of God)

So who is better?

Nicodemus or this Samaritan harlot?


Remember that Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night?

The Samaritan woman meets Jesus at midday!

Remember John 1?

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not comprehended it"

He is confused and doesn't understand the Law and the Prophets

She is intelligent and refers to the Scriptures three times (v12/v19/v25)

This sinful Samaritan woman stands in the light of day,

and as the Light of the World lays bare her sordid past,

she finds hope!

We will look at her response more next week,

but just notice right now that Nicodemus appears to have made no response at first;

but the Samaritan woman believes--and immediately runs off and tells everyone else.

The Samaritan woman is the perfect example of what John told us at the end of chapter 3:


She believes in the Son--and finds in Him, everlasting life.

Jesus spoke with this Samaritan woman,

and his Words pierced her heart,

what will his word do to you?

Will you hear it?

Will you believe it?

Will you respond with faith and repentance?

Well, let us look for a moment at how she comes to believe in him!

first, she discovers that Jesus is greater than Jacob

second, she perceives that he is a prophet

and third, she learns that he is the Messiah.

1) Jesus is greater than Jacob

Jesus meets this woman at Jacob's well. (Jacob had dug this well nearly 2000 years before)

Why is this important?

1--remember that we've already heard Jesus quote from Jacob's vision in ch 1

"you will see the angels of heaven ascending and descending ..."

2--Jacob is the father of all Israelites--both Jews and Samaritans

He was the one who gave this well to all his children.

He is the one who gave them WATER.

And now Jesus is going to take the divided children of Israel/of Jacob

and will bring them together.

But in order to do that he must be greater than Jacob.

And so rather than simply provide earthly water,

Jesus offers LIVING water that will spring up into everlasting life.

Water is an extremely important image in the Bible--and especially in John's gospel.

The Middle East is a parched region--and water is very precious.

It is a picture of life and blessedness.

When I was in Eritrea, I had to walk 100 yards to the well to get water.

There were days when one 5-gallon bucket of water would have to do for washing,

cooking, and drinking.

And I had it easy!

Most Eritreans have to walk across town

--maybe even several miles--to get water

It was a common sight to see a donkey walking by

with 50-gallon leather containers on its back.

This woman was in a similar situation.

She comes everyday to draw water.

And so when Jesus offers her living water,

he gets her attention!

He is claiming to be greater than Jacob;

He is claiming to be able to give everlasting life!

not simply ordinary water,

but LIVING water!!

We live in a place and a time where we can get drinking water out of a tap.

We can use more water in flushing a toilet than many people use in a whole day!

Somehow, I don't think that we appreciate water

in quite the same way that this Samaritan woman did!

She has to come every day--maybe several times a day--to draw water.

And here is this Jesus offering her living water

--and if you drink this water, you will never thirst again!

Hey, she likes that!!

And so she asks for that water!

Look at his response:

he tells her to bring her husband!

And she answers honestly! "I have no husband"

She has come to the light-and the light is exposing her deeds.

Jesus knows the hearts of all people (2:24),

and he tells her that she has had 5 husbands,

and that she is currently living with a man who is NOT her husband!

She is astounded, and recognizes that yes, this man IS greater than Jacob:

He is a prophet!

No one else could know what he knows!

And yes,

2) Jesus is a prophet

He demonstrated this when he cleansed the temple.

By kicking out the money changers, and driving the animals out of the temple,

he rebuked the Jews for their abuses of worship.

And he declared at that time,

"destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days"

The Samaritan woman understands that Jesus is a prophet,

and that prophets can explain the will of God.

This prophet is breaking down the wall between Jew and Samaritan:

and so she asks, okay, if Jews and Samaritans are to be unified,

where will we worship?

After all, Jews worship at the temple in Jerusalem,

and Samaritans worship at Mt. Gerizim in Samaria.

Perhaps some of you remember Mt. Gerizim.

In Deuteronomy 27, Moses had commanded that the Israelites renew the covenant

on Mt Gerizim and Mt Ebal.

Mt Gerizim was the mountain of blessing; and Mt Ebal was the mountain of cursing.

And so the Samaritans worshipped on Mt Gerizim

because IT was the mountain of blessing!

But God had commanded his people to worship in Jerusalem,

and so Jesus says, "well, you were wrong--but all that is changing now"


Interesting isn't it.

Mt Gerizim--the mountain of blessing--was the place

that Jesus chose bring the blessing of eternal life to the Samaritans.

He chooses Jacob's well to reunite Jacob's children.

And he chooses Mt Gerizim to reveal the new worship that God has begun.

Because the hour has come when the true worshipers will worship

the Father in Spirit and in truth.

What does it mean to worship the Father in Spirit and in truth?

Remember that Jesus has just cleansed the temple:

he has just declared that he will raise up a new temple--in his body--

and THAT is where we must worship God.

Jesus is saying that where we worship God is still important!

There is only ONE place where you can truly worship God!

But that one place is no longer Jerusalem; and it is certainly not Gerizim.

That one place is in the Spirit and in truth.

God is Spirit--and so you must be united to God through the Spirit

if you are to truly worship him.

That is why we come together every Sunday!

We gather here, in the power of the Holy Spirit and in the truth of God's Word,

and as the new, holy temple of God,

we worship Him--we praise Him--and we rejoice to hear His Word.

I want you to see something very important here:

Notice how important worship is to this woman!

It was her first question, once she realized that Jesus was a prophet!

She understands that worship is to be central in her life.

And Jesus agrees!

Jesus says that worship is what God is looking for!

The Father is seeking people to worship him in Spirit and in truth.

Well, this Samaritan woman is getting curious.

She understands her Bible--and she knows that Messiah is coming.

This Jesus has told her a lot; but who is he, really?

so she says, (v25)

Look at Jesus response:

literally it reads: "I am, who speaks to you"

In Exodus, God had revealed himself as "I am who I am"--Yahweh.

Now Jesus reveals himself as "I am, who speaks to you"

3) Jesus is the Messiah

He is the eternal Word of God,

Yet he is also the Word made flesh.

We will look more next week at how the Samaritan woman responds to Jesus;

but for now notice that she responds by going into the city,

and calling all the people to come see this man

who told her everything that she had ever done!

The disciples had been in the town--buying food for their meal.

But did they evangelize the Samaritans?

Oh no--not Samaritans!

"Jews have no dealings with Samaritans!"

But this Samaritan woman went to all the people and said, "could this be the Christ?"

"Could this be the one that we have waited for?"

There is no need for you to have lengthy theological arguments ready!

When you speak to friends and family about Christ,

you may sometimes get into doctrinal discussions,

but there is nothing wrong with simply telling them what Christ has done for you!

The Samaritan woman is overjoyed at what Jesus has done!

He has revealed all of her sordid past!

Wait a minute!!!!!

Why is she so excited?

If I had her past, I wouldn't be too happy about someone knowing all the dirty details!

Why is she so excited?


if he KNEW all those sordid details,

and yet STILL offered her the living water,

what does that mean?

It means that the Messiah--the Promised Deliverer--the ONE greater than Moses,

the ONE greater than Jacob--the Redeemer of Israel,

the I AM who spoke to Moses,

HE has forgiven her!!!

He has washed away all her sins in that fountain of everlasting life,

and now SHE can worship God in Spirit and in truth!

She who was an outcast is now brought into fellowship with God himself!!

And not only that!

But he chose HER to be the FIRST of the Samaritans to hear the good news!

Her joy is overflowing!

The Messiah chose me!

The Savior of the World has saved ME,

and has included me in his salvation!

Brothers and sisters,

where is our joy?

where is our sense of excitement in what Jesus Christ has done for us?

You can't manufacture it.

You can't hype it up.

But when you hear the Word of God,

and when you are offered the living water that springs up into everlasting life,

what is your response?

As we come to the Table today, let us come with joy!

Let us truly give thanks for the great salvation that God has wrought in Jesus.

And let us respond with hearts full of joy and gratitude.

And let us respond like the Samaritan woman,

and tell others of what Christ has done for us!