Dt 18:9-22 Fifth Commandment (Part Four): A Prophet Like Moses

How do you know what God wants for you to do?

What do you do when you want to find out God's will?

when you're trying to decide how God wants you to raise your family;

when you're deciding what sort of job God wants to have;

when you're figuring out who God wants you to marry.

How do you determine what God wants you to do in your daily life?

Well, Moses tells us who NOT to listen to;

and then he tells us WHO to listen to.

1. Moses tells us not to follow the abominations of the nations around us.

In other words, he warns us not to listen to the voices of our culture

when making decisions.

Look at the list of despicable practices:

1) making your son or daughter pass through the fire (Molech)

2) witchcraft, soothsayers, interpreters of omens,

sorcerers, conjurers, mediums, spiritists, or those who call up the dead,

All of these things are called abominations.

God declares in verse 14 that his judgment has come upon these nations

because they "listened to soothsayers and diviners".

You however, are not to listen to such people.


What is the basic problem with all of these things?

What is wrong with soothsayers and diviners?

Well, what do they do?

They try to discern from the stars, from potions, from reading your palm,

from all sorts of ways,

But they try to tell you what you should do without consulting God.

Because after all,

God is the one who tells us how we should live and what we should do;

turning to anyone else is idolatry.

We've seen this throughout the last few weeks:

Judges are to judge idolatry

Kings are to lead their people to worship God,

and not lead them into idolatry

Priests are to lead the people in worshiping God,

offering the sacrifices to God and blessing the people.

And Prophets are teach people God's ways,

so that they don't fall into idolatry.

Listening to other voices besides God, is idolatry.

And because soothsayers and diviners are idolaters,

they are judged and destroyed by God.

Well, today, most of you are probably not tempted

to go to the local medium and try to speak to the dead.

Most of you probably do not rely on your horoscope,

or that sort of thing--do you?

You'd better not--because God's judgment will come on all those

who look to anyone except Christ for direction in life.

But don't pat yourselves on the back too soon.

Because the modern world has developed another sort of soothsayers.

Remember that soothsayers are simply those who tell you what to do,

without consulting God--

without looking to His revelation to give counsel.

And aren't there all sorts of people out there today who do exactly the same thing?

Psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors of all sorts,

our country has been overrun with a new religion:

the religion of psychology.

And this religion has its prophets--the psychologist and counselor--

who dispenses new, scientific potions

which have a money-back guarantee to make you feel better.

Now, I recognize that there are Christian counselors as well.

And those who are grounded in the Word of God can often give good assistance.

But the vast majority of psychologists and psychiatrists are simply soothsayers:

they are trying to tell you what to do--with no concern for what God says.

It makes no difference that they claim to be scientific.

After all, what is science except a more sophisticated way of manipulating nature?

Sorcerers claim to manipulate nature through potions and omens;

Psychologists claim to manipulate nature through understanding mental processes.

But science is NOT where we find out how God wants us to live.

Psychologists have NOT been given by God

to instruct his people in how to walk in his ways.

Well, if we shouldn't listen to soothsayers and psychologists,

to whom should we listen?

2. God tells in his people in the last part of ch 18 to listen to His Prophet.

God tells Moses that he will raise up ONE Prophet who will be like Moses (v15,17).

but he also says that there will be many prophets throughout Israel's history:

some will be good, some will be bad. (v20)

What does a prophet do?

1) the Prophet speaks on behalf of God to the people

2) the Prophet speaks on behalf of the people to God

Moses as a Prophet proclaimed God's Word to Israel;

And Moses also interceded on Israel's behalf before God.

And that pretty much sums up what a prophet does.

When you read through the prophets of the OT, that is what they do:

Speak the Word of God to the people

and speak to God on behalf of the people.

Moses was the Great Prophet of the OT.

But God promised that a greater prophet would come.

And it is the birth of that Great Prophet which we celebrate this week.

Because Jesus Christ is the Great Prophet--the one who tells us what to do.

And God told Moses, that there were certain things to look for in this Prophet:

1) he would be called by divine appointment (18:15)

2) he would be like Moses (v15)

3) he would be from among the people of Israel ("brethren"--v15)

4) and he would speak the Words of God (v19)

If he is a false prophet, he will fail in his words

1) must not prophesy in the name of other gods

2) must not speak anything except what God commands

3) must be RIGHT (though cf. 13:1-3--just being right not enough)

All these things must be true of the GREAT Prophet--and indeed of ANY prophet--before the people should listen and obey.

But notice this: v19 (read!)

If you do not listen to the Prophet,

to the words which he speaks in the name of God,

then God himself will require you to obey.

There is no way around it:

if you will not listen to the Prophet,

then you must deal with God himself.

But how do you know that Jesus is the one?

1) he is called by divine appointment [called out of Egypt (Mt 2:13ff)]

2) he is like Moses

he picks up where Moses left off--at the Jordan (his baptism--Mt 3:1ff)

he is tempted in the wilderness 40 days (and doesn't succumb--Mt 4:1ff)

he is offered false materialism (bread)

false militarism (angelic hosts)

false moralism (idolatry)----(Dt 7-9)

feeds the multitudes (Mt 14:13ff--cf. John 6)

3) he is an Israelite--of the house of David

4) he speaks God's Words (indeed he IS God's Word)

--goes up on the Mountain as the New Lawgiver (Mt 5:1ff)

Jesus is the One who proclaims God's Word to us;

and who intercedes FOR us before the throne of God

So Jesus is the Great Prophet:

You must listen to him.

You must do what he says.

But how does this help me to know what God's will is for my life?

1) Look to the Prophets--the Scriptures (both OT and NT)

if your mind and heart are steeped with the Scriptures,

if you have soaked in them, so that you know the Word of God intimately,

then you will usually know precisely what God desires of you.

II Timothy 3:16-17

Do you really believe that Christ has given us all that we need for life and godliness?

Is Scripture really sufficient to tell us all that we need to know?

Or do we need soothsayers and diviners to figure out the rest?

Do we need science to fill in the gaps of what God forgot to tell us?

Now, I'm not saying that human knowledge is worthless.

What I'm saying, is that all of human knowledge must be rooted in the Word of God.

God has told us how we should live,

and so if you want to know God's will for your life,

turn to the Word of God.

How do you raise your kids?

The Bible teaches you.

How do you treat your wife?

The Word of God has the answer.

Who should you marry?

The Word of God lays down the criterion.

It may not say, "thou shalt marry Ginger Shank",

but it tells me what to look for in a wife.

In the same way, who should be our elders?

The Bible may not give us a list of names,

but it gives us a list of qualifications to help us decide.

The Bible IS sufficient to tell us ALL that we need to know for life and godliness.

BUT, that doesn't mean that all you need to do is sit down,

read a few verses, and God will give you the answer!

There is more that is involved.

2) Look to Christ--Prayer--John 17 as the Great Prophetic Prayer

Jesus is the Great Prophet who speaks to God on our behalf,

yet since we are in him, we are all prophets,

who speak to God on behalf of each other.

So when you face decisions,


but also ask other to pray for you as well.

That's why we have a prayer chain:

it's not merely for praying for the sick.

it's for everything in life when we need prayer.

But Deuteronomy 18 focuses on a third aspect of discovering God's will.

You see, the Bible never teaches us to be Lone Rangers.

The Word of God recognizes that we will always look to someone for advice.

3) Look to those whom the Great Prophet--Jesus Christ--

has given you to instruct you in the way that you should go:

godly parents

wise friends

but especially, pastors and elders

We are called by God to help you understand what God requires of you

II Timothy 4:1-5

Hear Paul insists that Timothy MUST discharge the duties of a prophet.

The end of chapter 3 emphasized the authority and sufficiency of Scripture,

but Paul connects that with the authority of Preaching as well.

Timothy is to take the Word of God and expound it,

proclaiming sound doctrine and applying it to the lives of his flock.

But this means that when you are struggling to know what God desires for you,

you should come to your pastor.

Many pastors have given up trying to counsel their people.

Psychologists have tried to say that since pastors don't have professional training,

they are incompetent to counsel.

Sadly, that is too often true.

Many pastors are miserable counselors.

But the problem isn't with the Word of God,

the problem is with the pastor!

Most pastors today do not know the Word of God well enough;

and even more, many pastors do not understand the human heart either.

Titus 2:1-15 tells us what pastors should be doing:

Before you go to a pagan psychologist;

before you go to idolaters--because that is what they are

--they are trying to tell you what to do without telling you to worship the true God.

come to your pastor--the one who is called by God to lead you in His ways.

Unbelieving psychologists can't deal with sin.

They cannot point you to Christ as the only one who can forgive your sins:

all they can do is help you to feel good about your sin.

If you are struggling in your marriage,

the reason is sin.

If you are having a hard time with your kids,

the reason is sin.

Two year olds are just as sinful as 40 year olds.

And while you may have to use different language in explaining it to a 2 year old,

they are just as capable of repenting and forgiving as 40 year olds.

But God has called me to speak his Word to you;

to give you His direction for your lives.

Your elders are responsible before God for how YOU grow spiritually.

So how do you know what God wants you to do?

1) don't listen to our culture

2) listen to Jesus Christ

and the way you listen is by

1--studying his Word


3--seeking the wisdom of those to whom Christ has given his authority

Psalm 37 declares this:

"Trust in the Lord, and do good;

Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.

Delight yourself also in the Lord,

And he shall give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the Lord,

Trust also in him,

And he shall bring it to pass."

If you delight in Christ,

If you long to live in the presence of God,

then you will discover that your desires begin to line up with what God wants for you.

We usually only get into trouble when we want something that we shouldn't have.

So let me give you a warning:

if your heart is not set upon Christ,

then there is absolutely no way for you to be sure what God wants for you.

If you are in rebellion against Christ,

then all that you can do, is repent.

You can read Scripture, pray, and seek wisdom all you like,

but if you have a selfish and greedy heart, then you will not find the answers you seek

Remember what happened to Israel when they demanded a king?

God gave them Saul--and they spent forty years paying for their folly!

If you demand your own way, then God may grant your wish,

and you'll regret it for the rest of your life!

But if you delight yourself in the Lord, and commit your way to Him,

then he will grant you all the desires of your heart.

Because after all--if your desires are in the right place,

then that is exactly what God wants to give you!

When you face difficult decisions,

remember that God has made you part of a body;

and he has given you pastors and elders

so that they might assist you in making wise decisions for your family.

And remember Titus 2--which states that the older women

are to shepherd the younger women.

You younger women are to go to the older women to seek their wisdom;

and you older women are to be prepared!

How can you help the younger women to be better wives and mothers?

If all of us are seeking to encourage and help each other

(and not merely to meddle in each other's lives),

then we will grow in Christ like never before.

But, let me warn you:

if you are the sort of person who simply likes to tell other people what to do,

keep your mouth SHUT.

The best way to teach and to train is by living it first.

You are to be a picture of Christ to others;

you are to be conformed to the image of Christ

--because he indeed dwells in you.

And let me say a word to those of you who may one day be elders:

Christ says that you exercise his authority.

There is nothing in all the world more powerful than Christ.

You will be tempted to use that authority for your own selfish purposes.

You will be tempted to show off your authority.

If you do, then you will destroy everyone around you.

You are to use Christ's authority to build others up.

You are to speak words of comfort and of healing,

You are to bring joy and peace to those who are sorrowful,

You are to encourage and build up those who are weak.

In a word,

you are to be like Christ.

How do you know what God wants you to do?

1) don't listen to our culture

2) do listen to Christ

know what Scripture says

pray without ceasing

seek the wisdom of the elders

And then just do it!

If what you want to do is something that the Bible says is a good thing,

and you have earnestly sought God's direction in the matter,

and the wise and godly people in your life

--especially the pastor and elders--have given their blessing,

then go for it!

If your heart is set upon Christ,

then your desires will be oriented towards good things.